WorkMan HVS - New Installation
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WorkMan HVS is typically sold with some help for configuration but it's important that you as a reseller/partner/customer fulfill the requirements on your part otherwise the installation may be subject to additional installation/configurationfees.
Below is the workflow for a smooth and successful WorkMan HVS installation.
SIP Edition:
TAPI Wave edition:
- Server running WorkMan HVS must have a voicecard otherwise the Avaya IP Office wave-driver won't isntall.
- Avaya TAPI Wave doesn't work in 64-bit (so it must be 32-bit e.g. Windows XP)
Installation by reseller/partner/customer
- Configure TAPI Wave extensions in the PBX (using TAPI:<extnnumber> e.g. TAPI:5001)
- Install TAPI-driver and configure it for 3rd part TAPI mode. You can remove and add the driver and then all devices will be created.
- Install and validate that the Avaya Wave-driver is installed (reboot of computer might be required).
- If you are running WorkMan HVS Remote TAPI, install 3rd part TAPI on the RTAPI computer.
- If you want to have the webgui, install IIS webserver according to WorkMan HVS - Web Installation
Send information to Larsson Consulting
- Send list over which extension are TAPI Wave.
- Send Excel-file or text-file containing room and roomname that you want to have in the system
- Send list over receptionist extensions that can perform schedule wakupecalls for other users