WorkMan Queue Manager Server - Release History

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WorkMan Queue Manager Server - Release History

(C) 2007 - 2010 Larsson Consulting

Also known as WorkMan Telephony Service

Support, questions et c:

+ = feature
- = bug
* = modified behaviour


2.0.0.x - not yet released

+ The registrykey value DBFilename is now supported which means the database doesn't have to be directly in the program directory of the server.

This release history applies to both the client and the server side (WorkMan Telephony Service)

WorkMan Queue Manager (client v

- Historik
- Koppla ihop samtal
- Stöd för uppdatering via Internet
- Stöd för felloggning vid undantag

WorkMan Telephony Service (server v

- Telephony Service testad o verifierad på Windows Server 2003 R2
- Skapat ett beroende av Firebird-databasen (så att den startar innan WMTLS försöker starta)

OBS! Vid uppdatering så se till att avinstallera och installera om tjänsten via konfigurationsprogrammet.