Date |
Date |
Date of the registered calls.
Time |
Time |
Time of the summary e.g. 06:00 means call between 06:00 and 07:00. Note that interval of 15, 30 and 60 minutes can be obtained.
String |
What DDI the user has called.
Calls |
Integer |
Number of incoming calls.
Answered |
Integer |
Number of answered calls.
Unanswered |
Integer |
Number of unanswered calls.
Avail |
Numeric |
Availability in percentage. If no calls in an interval it's considerd to be 0.
Avg RS |
Integer |
Average response seconds by agent e.g. time from a call is heard on the phone and until it's answered.
Avg Queue |
Time (mm:ss) |
Average minutes and seconds that a call has waited until it was answered or was hung up.
Avg Talked |
Time (mm:ss) |
Average minutes and seconds that a call has waited until it was answered or was hung up.