WorkMan HVS - Release History
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Release 2019.1
- Config,
- TAPI Service,
- TAPI Config,
- Voice,
- HVS 2 HS,
- Frontdesk, TBA
- TAPI configuration, removed legacy service dependency that could slow down startup
- Send callcharge to PMS
- Billing module for FIAS is updated
- Fixes in FIAS protocol concerning wakeup
- Frontdesk, overview of rooms and calls
- Frontdesk, report on calls per room
- Config service, updated name and fullname
- Voice, fixed problem with wakeup
- Config, fixed import of extensions
- Config, shortcut to scheduled tasks
- Config, create rooms using scripts
WorkMan HVS
+ = feature - = bug * = modified behaviour
v 160409, 9th of april 2016 * Soundfile that responds maidstatus 0 faulty reported maidstatus 0. This has been changed
Database v 2016.1
v 2016.01, 1th of july 2016 * Several table changes, compare with clean. + New roomid column, used for frontdesk and visual wakeup ALTER TABLE ROOM ADD HVSROOMID DM_A20 + Default roomid values (require previous) update room set hvsroomid = roomid + Default translations (only in dev/test) insert into com_Translatefields select distinct '*', RDB$FIELD_NAME, RDB$FIELD_NAME from rdb$relation_fields where RDB$FIELD_NAME not like '%$%' order by 1
v 140729, 29th of july * Fixed problem with long checked in name update RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$FIELD_SOURCE = 'DM_A100' where (RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'CHECKEDINNAME') and (RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'CHECKEDIN') v 140622, 22nd of june 2014 ALTER TABLE HVSCONFIG ADD SERIALID DM_A100 v 131211, 12th of dec 2013 + Support for alternative IP for PBX, used when having multi PBX system but route wakeup through one system. ALTER TABLE IPO ADD SIPIP DM_A48 v 131008, 13th of October 2013 + Support for actual extensions from IP Office system CREATE TABLE IPOEXTNREAL ( IPOID DM_INTEGER NOT NULL, EXTN DM_A8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (IPOID, EXTN)); v 131008, 8th of October 2013 + Support for custom SIP port ALTER TABLE IPO ADD SIPPORT DM_A8; v 130922, 23rd of September 2013 + Support for control software with login ALTER TABLE HS ADD CONTROLPASSWORD DM_A48 DEFAULT 'admin'; v 130828, 28th of August 2013 + Support for new protocols. ALTER TABLE HS ADD LINKTRANSPORT DM_A8 DEFAULT 'IPCLIENT'; ALTER TABLE HS ADD COMPORT DM_INTEGER; ALTER TABLE HS ADD COMBAUD DM_INTEGER DEFAULT 9600; v 2.0.x, 26th of August 2013 + Support keep alive flag, ALTER TABLE HS ADD FLAG_SENDKEEPALIVE DM_TRUEFALSE DEFAULT '1' ALTER TABLE HS ADD SENDKEEPALIVESECS DM_INTEGER DEFAULT 240 24th of july 2013 * Added support for longer specialextensions (earlier only 6 characters) update RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$FIELD_SOURCE = 'DM_A100' where (RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'EXTID') and (RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'SPECIALEXT'); + It's now possible to override the field where callerid is fetched from ALTER TABLE HVSCONFIG ADD SIP_CALLERID_NAME DM_A100 DEFAULT 'Caller-Caller-ID-Number' (use Caller-Caller-ID-Name in some cases). Database v 2.0.1 - 19th of january 2013 + Added support for SIP-extension which differs from the extension of the PBX. ALTER TABLE ROOM ADD SIP_EXTID DM_A100; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ROOM_IDX_SIP_EXTID ON ROOM (SIP_EXTID);
HVS Config
v - 28th of june 2014 + Check/uncheck multiple rooms to import (use filters in combination to set rooms to import)
HVS Voice
v - 9th of april 2016 - Fixed bug with multiple wakeup attempts * Fetches Number instead of Name when using SIP PBXes. v - 7th of december 2015 - Fixed bug with multiple wakeup attempts + Fixed alternative callerid on SIP PBX. v - 13th of april 2014 - Small fix where channel could hang in a busy state. v - 11th of Dec 2013 + Support for custom SIP IP (used when multi PBXes) v - 8th of Oct 2013 + Support for custom SIP Port on PBX.
WorkMan HVS 2.x
WorkMan HVS 2 - Release History (C) 2000 - 2013 Larsson Consulting Support, questions et c: Note that this release history applies to all the various services/applications that is part of a WorkMan HVS installation. IMPORTANT: You must upgrade to be able to obtain this release. + = feature - = bug * = modified behaviour PRODUCTS: Database: Tables, stored procedures et.c. HVS2HS: Workan HVS 2 HS, handles communication between HVS and PMS/Hotelsystem. Handles all protocols. Sends/receives wakeup, checkin, checkout, maidstatues. HVS Voice: Handles all things related to scheduling calls, answering calls, maidstatus/cleancodes et.c. KNOWN BUGS: - None. RELEASE HISTORY: HVS Voice v - 7th of October 2013 + Support for shortcodes that sends the extension in the dialstring (1903 and 1904) HVS2HS v + Comtrol support HVS Voice v - 24th of july 2013 + It's now possible to override the field where callerid is fetched from HVS Config v - 24th of july 2013 + Add option to register services - Fixed proper root-folder for apps HVS Voice v 2.0.14 - 4th of june 2013 + Flow for frontdesk wasn't implemented properly. Rebuilt so that it works. HVS Voice v - 20th of january 2013 + Added support for SIP-extension that is different. HVS2HS v - 20th of january 2013 + Added support for WorkMan DIP-protocol (same as Doro Index Protocol for RS232 but for TCP/IP as well).
HVS2HS (Link between HVS and hotelsystem/PMS)
v - 10th of september 2014 + Support wakeup in the DIP protocol. v - 26th of august 2013 + Option of turning keep alive off v - 26th of august 2013 - Various DIP-fixes - Only records with valid phonenumbers will be sent to PMS.
WorkMan HVS 1.x (obsolete)
WorkMan HVS Release History (C) 2000 - 2012 Larsson Consulting Support, questions et c: IMPORTANT: You must upgrade to be able to obtain this release. + = feature - = bug * = modified behaviour KNOWN BUGS: - None RELEASE HISTORY: - xth of october 2012 * Removed old Index configuration options on voiceboard - 14th of september 2012 * Fixed applicationname * Fixed new icon. - April 2012 + Now support dynamic length of internal phonenumbers e.g. n or less characters doesn't get logged. - 6th of feb 2012 + Rebranded as WorkMan HVS * Removed everything that has with old INDEX-PBX to do * Support network-path of database/db-server - 27th of may 2010 - SMDR Log sent the wrong number to the hotelsystem. It has been fixed. - 26th of may 2010 - The records from the SMDR log had an starting E which wasn't considered in previous version. It has been fixed and should work now. - 16th of may 2010 - SMDR Log 1 could'nt save changes properly, lacked the Update-SQL required. Släppt: 4:e januari 2009 - Stöd för multipla IP Office:ar via Remote TAPI programvara. Släppt: 11:e april 2007 - När ett samtal med väckningen/koppla till rum är påbörjat så får det max pågå i 3 minuter sedan avslutas det automatiskt. Nytt i (2004-12-01) - Resendtimer satt till 30 sekunder. Nytt i (2004-11-24) - Stödjer keepalives från hotellsystemet Nytt i (2004-11-17) - Alive timer triggas alltid - En alive kan inte köas - Resend satt till var 5:e sekund Nytt i (2004-07-01) - Stöd för antal besvarade/avbrutna info i control klienten. 2006-11-20, version, VCS-Rev: 0.5 - Uppdaterat komponenter till senaste relaser (Jed-VCL m fl) - Uppdaterat stöd för städkoder via AX32-protokollet. - Uppdaterat hjälpfil - Skapat ny installations-cd 2006-11-08 - Uppdaterat information om funktioner och protokoll 2006-09-12 - Lagt till info om fördröjd uppstart.