WorkMan Queue Manager Client - Release History

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WorkMan Queue Manager Client - Release History

(C) 2007 - 2010 Larsson Consulting

Support, questions et c:

+ = feature
- = bug
* = modified behaviour

CHANGELOG: - 9th of november 2010

- Added exception handling to routine that saves callhistory. - 9th of november 2010

- The number of the caller (a-number) wasn't saved in the history. - released 10th of april 2007
- Ändra inställningar sparade inte IP-adress och port.
+ Kan använda IPO Skin
+ Skinhantering
+ Presenterar grupp med namn och nummer som samtalet är avsett för
+ Added support for threewaycalls and for transfer calls
* English is the standard language for the helpfile from now on